Fuel Card Guides | Small Business

Fuel Cards for small businesses

  • Control your budget with weekly fuel price plans
  • Go paperless! Use digital invoices for easy VAT reclaims
  • Unlock potential fuel discounts

Small businesses are the backbone of any local economy. As the sector grows so does the competition, and running efficient vehicles can become the difference between your small business thriving and barely surviving.

Workman standing in front of his van

What is the best fuel card for small businesses in Ireland?

Every small business is unique, each one with different needs and requirements meaning that finding the right fuel card is less about which one is ‘best’, but which one is best for you and your company’s individual needs. It will also depend on your usual business routes, and the network coverage within that area.

iCompario allows you to compare the best fuel cards in your area, and provides you key details to help you choose the right card for your small business.

Compare fuel cards and apply for your small business fuel card today!

1. DCI Diesel

DCI Diesel fuel card for small business

  • Competitive weekly fixed fuel prices
  • VAT approved invoices
  • Secure, PIN-protected cards

If you use diesel and travel across Ireland and Northern Ireland, the DCI Diesel card is a great choice for you. This small business fuel card is accepted at over 1,300 stations in Ireland and more than 380 in Northern Ireland. This is one of the biggest fuel card networks you can get for Ireland.

The DCI Diesel card has the best HGV network in Ireland as well. If you’re a big diesel user, the weekly fixed prices can help you plan out your fuel budget. Fill up when prices are lower and you could save a good amount of cash.

The DCI card is one of the best fuel cards for small businesses because it has no minimum monthly spend. Whether you have one or twenty drivers on your books, it doesn’t matter! You can still get all the benefits of a fuel card without meeting some arbitrary number.

2. DCI Pump Saver

DCI Pump saver fuel card for small business


  • Access a large partner station network across the UK
  • Weekly fixed discounts off the pump price
  • Accepted at 80% of stations in Ireland

The DCI Pump Saver fuel card is a great all-rounder. No other small business fuel card in Ireland offers the same level of consistent discounts with such a large network. Use it to buy diesel or petrol from over 1,300 stations across the Republic of Ireland and more than 380 in Northern Ireland.

Discounts are excellent to have on fuel cards for small businesses. This card does exactly what it says on the tin. Every week, you’ll know exactly what discounts you can get at your fuel stations. Easy to manage and easy to save!

3. Texaco Fastfuel


Texaco Fastfuel small business card


  • Wholesale rate petrol and diesel prices
  • Weekly fixed prices to control your budget
  • Easy digital invoices for quick VAT reclaim

Texaco stations are a familiar sight for every driver in Ireland. Use your Fastfuel card at all Texaco stations plus all their partners in Ireland to get weekly fixed prices on fuel.

These prices are based on the wholesale rate of fuel, so you could get lower prices than those shown at the pump. The Texaco Fastfuel card is the only one to do this for petrol and diesel in Ireland. This makes it the best fuel card in Ireland for mixed fleets.

The station network is over 400. It might be lower than the DCI network, but it’s not bad and enough for many small businesses!

How can small business fuel cards help you stay on the road to success?

Fuel cards aren’t only beneficial for large fleets, but for any company with a mobile workforce, and a regular spend on fuel, oil and lubricants.

Using fuel cards for small businesses as payment for all of the above can mean considerable savings, in both time and money. They can help you run an efficient business with little effort.

The key benefits of small business fuel cards include:

  • Consolidate government-approved invoices to make reclaiming business fuel spend VAT an easy, stress-free process
  • A simple and convenient payment solution for drivers
  • Powerful online management and reporting tools
  • A large network and tools to find filling stations, locally and nationally
  • Potential cost savings on fuel
  • Improved security and control of fuel spend

Should you get fuel cards for your small business?

Fuel cards have many benefits and can make running your small business easier.

Many small businesses are family run, and don’t have the luxury of a dedicated fleet manager, with the stressful task usually falling on the shoulders of one or two.

Fuel cards can ease the burden, by replacing the need for collecting or keeping separate receipts for all business fuel purchases.

How about speeding up your administrative work? Paperwork is the worst part of the job! Your fuel cards come with an online account management system. Going online has lots of benefits! The account system handles all the fuel invoices for you, tracks your fuel spending, and makes reclaiming VAT easier.

What is the best fuel card for your small business?

It varies. The DCI Diesel card works best for HGV fleets and diesel users, while the Texaco Fastfuel and DCI Pump Saver are jacks of all trades for many small business types.

The fastest, easiest way to find out what fuel card is best for you is to do a card comparison.

Having fuel cards can save your business money, do your driver fuel expenses claims automatically and make it a 30-second job to reclaim your fuel VAT. As a free comparison site, iCompario can find you offers on cards from all the big oil companies or multi-brand cards, and deals with no minimum purchase or tie-in contracts.

Read more about fuel cards on iCompario

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