Android vs iOS for Business: Which One to Choose?
Ever since Google launched the Android OS, the tech market has been divided into two teams: the Android and the iOS supporters. But when your business needs to come first, you can’t take sides. You have to make informed decisions and choose what’s right to suit the telecoms requirements of your business.
In this guide we’ll talk about Android vs iOS for business and the pros and cons of each operating system. We aim to help you decide easier which OS is better suited for your business mobiles. Or if your mind is already made up, skip ahead and compare offers.

Android vs iOS for business: How are they different?
Mobile phones today are no longer only a means of telephone communication. We use them to perform many other tasks, like checking our emails or other work-related correspondence, checking our social media accounts, reading the news or playing a game.
Fortunately, all the mobile apps we use on a day-to-day basis provide versions for both platforms. But is it Android or iOS you want to use for business purposes? Let’s start by finding out what makes them different!
Design of Android vs iOS devices
When it comes to design, you can consider yourself spoiled for choice with Android. There are many different manufacturers creating thousands of models that run on Android.
Apple, on the other side doesn’t offer that many design options. However, their phones are easily recognisable and stylish.
iOS or Android when it comes to performance
Here’s where iOS devices usually take the prize. Apple’s OS is well-known for its stability, all-round performance and security – which is important when you use the device for business.
We’re not saying you can’t find Android models that are as stable and secure, because you most certainly can. But comparing iOS vs Android for business, Android devices have a tendency to work slower and show overall lower performance.
How about app features and functionality?
Because Android is an open source operating system, developers can easily add new features and make customizations to the UX. And don’t get fooled by the misconception that open source is less secure. That’s simply not true! Android devices are as secure, if not more secure, than iOS devices.
Apps usually have versions for both operating systems, though you might find some lacking on iOS.
Bottom line, think which apps you really need and research how they work on each OS.
Let’s discuss price
If you want cheaper devices, Android should be your pick. Everyone knows that Apple’s devices are generally on the more expensive side. The price tag of the latest iPhone greatly exceeds the cost of some of the latest Android devices.
Of course, there are Android devices made by prestigious manufacturers like Samsung that easily display similar price tags. It’s only that the price range for Android devices is pretty extensive compared to iOS devices, giving you lots of choices.
iCompario tip
Whether you choose Android or iOS devices for your business, it’s essential to compare the market for the best offers. And as most offers are highly appealing, it’s wise to let the experts compare them and present the best ones to you.
Compare business mobile packages with iCompario and you’re guaranteed to get the best deal (and phone) to suit your business!
iOS vs Android for business – pros and cons

So we’ve seen the main differences between the two operating systems. Now let’s discuss the pros and cons of each OS for business.
Android for business – perks and downsides
Android has managed to maintain the loyalty of its users through a series of benefits. But while Android had some really good selling points, there are also some downsides.
Perks of the Android OS:
- More user-friendly. Users tend to find Android devices easier to use, so your employees should have no issues getting used to their new business mobile phone.
- Expandable memory. Most Android devices has microSD slots so you can put additional memory storage if you need it.
- Removable battery. Many Android devices have the option to remove the battery. This comes in handy if your device’s battery life shortens a lot and you don’t want to change the device. Just change the battery. Can get cheaper than buying a new phone.
- Better hardware options. With Android, you have a wide variety of devices to choose from. And because there are so many manufacturers using Android OS, they’re always competing to improve their devices and provide the best Android experience.
Let’s talk downsides:
- Overheating. This is a commonly known issue with Android devices. The issue usually occurs when users play games with heavy graphics. So, it shouldn’t occur too often for business mobile phones.
- Efficiency. Too many installed applications may reduce the device’s efficiency, especially when multiple apps are being used in the background at the same time.
- Many ads in apps. This one’s quite annoying. You get lots of ads, especially in free applications.
iOS for business – advantages and cons
The iPhone is a true icon in the mobile phone world. And its operating system, the iOS, is a powerful one that has many advantages. But nothing is perfect, so the iOS has some drawbacks as well.
Why you should get iOS for business:
- Efficient battery with less heating. iOS devices won’t heat up as much when being extensively used. Plus, the battery tends to last longer.
- Advanced functionality and great processor. The iOS higher processor speeds ensure the devices will run smoothly, with no delays and unresponsive times.
- Simple interface. The simplicity of the interface is what makes iOS devices easy to use. Plus, iOS is consistent, there’s no major change in its interface or design.
- The App Store. While Android and iOS devices have a similar number of apps available, the App Store is easier to use and shows apps differently in sections.
Why you shouldn’t choose iOS for business:
- Very pricey. You should be certain you want to make the investment. Otherwise, check out cheaper Android models.
- No customisation. Apart from changing the wallpaper, you can’t really customise an iPhone.
- No removable storage. You can’t extend the iOS devices’ memory. You deal with the internal storage you get and that’s it.
Android vs iOS for Business: Which One to Choose?
The answer to this question is never simple or obvious. Both have their pluses and minuses, especially when it comes to using them for business.
So, there really is no answer to ‘which is the best operating system’. It all comes down to preference in the end.
But while it’s ultimately your preference, there are a few things to consider that can help with your decision:
- Choice of devices
- Ease of use
- Customisation options
- Choice of apps
- Security
Truth is both operating systems are relatively accessible and easy to use, especially for employees who have used any type of smartphone in the past.
Whichever side you come down on, make sure you do a market comparison to choose the best deal possible. And we’re here to help with that.